Top 10 Developer's Choice AngularJS Development Tools

Top 10 Developer's Choice AngularJS Development Tools

Angular JS framework is an open-source JavaScript framework, which is highly functional and feature-rich as well. It facilitates building dynamic and responsive web applications and single-page applications (SPAs).

AngularJS framework is built on top of a programming language (HTML page with a script tag) used for front-end development. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most popular and used frameworks after Node.js.

This framework has an extensive set of pre-written code libraries focussing mainly on CRUD operations and AJAX-style development. 

10 Most Effective AngularJS Development Tools You Should Work With 

AngularJS supports a wide array of tools and plugins that can be integrated to make the development of web apps and SPAs effortless. The below-mentioned Angular JS development tools will help you to create highly functional, dynamic, and feature-rich web applications. Let’s learn about each of them and their specialities which help the AngularJs developers to finish the process at a faster pace as well as effectively.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a multiple OS (Operating System) support AngularJS development tool that is specially designed by Microsoft. This open-source framework was developed to work effectively and effortlessly on macOS, Windows, and Linux platforms. 

This tool has an intelligent editor, making it the fastest development tool of all. The IntelliSense features offer smart completions of imported modules, function definitions, and variable types. Additionally, it has built-in GUI features that provide insights into the changes made to the projects to the team. 

Visual Studio Code is mostly used for commercial and private projects as it has proactive support for all required plugins.


Karma is an Angular JS developer QA tool created by Google’s AngularJS team. It helps in checking the performance of the web app as it is a testing automation framework. This means that the developers can test the code in a real environment with a professional ecosystem. 

One of the biggest advantages of using Karma is that web app developers can test their products/services on actual devices and real-life browsers instead of simulators. Therefore, any bugs, errors, and glitches will show up, and you can fix those issues during the testing.


Webstorm is a common Angular JS developer tool developed on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA platform. It has a commercial IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Therefore, developers can write more reliable and maintainable code using the write and test software. 

You can even run dozens of code inspections while typing and identify the potential errors in the code. This helps to eliminate issues or create errors while renaming any component while coding. The biggest advantage of using this Angular JS developer tool is that it has in-built tools that will help you customize the environment and offers fast navigation. 


Mocha JS is one of the essential testing Angular JS frameworks that has an accurate mapping and reporting frequency along with a flexible framework structure. This is possible as it can effortlessly detect leaks as well as supports many additional functionalities. 

Auto-exit, browser support, and asynchronous testing support are a few examples of such additional capabilities of Mocha JS. This Angular JS development tool also supports developers in acquiring information from an extensive library. 


Jasmine is usually used with Karma in the AngularJS framework as it encourages an interactive development framework eliminating reliability on browsers for testing. This development framework is easy to use and handle. Any developer can build a behaviour drive web application for its clients. 

You can even run this Angular JS framework tool from anywhere without any restrictions. Additionally, removing external dependencies on web browsers for testing environments makes it more effective and efficient. This development tool allows users to read, write, and test codes as well as identify the JavaScript classes with that. 


Protractor is an open-source AngularJS development framework that is very interactive and has an automated application development environment. It is one of the best AngularJS development frameworks, offering quick end-to-end testing on real browsers. Additionally, it autonomously synchronizes web pages and test sessions as soon as the runtime ends. This way Angular JS developers have real insight and quick highlights of the testing results in a real environment by removing excessive ‘rest’ and ‘pause’ time. 

Protractor provides a true and reliable testing ecosystem experience for web apps and SPAs. It is based on various technologies like Node.js, Mocha JS, Webdriver, Cucumber, Selenium, and Jasmine.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is one of the best AngularJS development tools used for text editing. Additionally, it has multiple in-built features, a wide array of tools, and add-ons for various applications and browsers. 

It also provides full customization so that the platform is lightweight and it can work effectively on various projects. You can also allow easy switching between files. It has features like ‘Goto Definition’, ‘Goto Anything’, multiple selections, and CSS sorting. is an AngularJS development tool, capable of functioning independently without jQuery integration. This means that this development tool is highly flexible, which makes it possible for the developers to block or accept selectable codes and text inputs. This framework is also highly effective, as you can use it to enhance your web app’s performance by introducing macro widgets and mentions.


Djangular is a combination of Django and AngularJS development frameworks that facilitates content creation on a per-app basis for web app projects. AngularJS development companies use this open-source tool to reduce the massive load of content by selecting the runtimes. 

It is also effective for easy app integration and has a flexible structure. It offers namespacing and all the required components of both the Django app as well as AngularJS. This development framework is mainly used for reusability and enhanced security features.

Aptana Studio

Aptana Studio is an AngularJS development tool, designed to carry out easy and quick development of web applications and websites. The framework is very flexible and has an efficient working environment. 

This framework supports HTML, CSS, PHP, and Ruby along with JavaScript. With this tool, you have a better chance of managing the source code as it supports superior Git integration. It allows the customization of commands and has a built-in debugger.


You can implement these Angular JS development tools as per your requirements and get amazing results. They facilitate hyperactive and reliable web applications and SPAs. 

Additionally, these tools will accelerate your business operation tenfolds and help you to stand out from the crowd. With these tools at your disposal, you can create dynamic, high-functional, and responsive websites, web applications as well as single-page applications (SPAs) without a sweat.

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